Pointers to help your plants survive the summer heat

As the summer season arrives, vibrant blooms of musk rose, marigold, roses, bougainvillea, and various other summer plants adorn the surroundings. However, the intense heatwaves can pose challenges, causing leaves to wither and stunting growth. While sun-loving plants like cacti, succulents, and aloe vera endure, indoor plants may struggle. Fret not, as there are proactive steps you can take before and during the summer to ensure the survival of your indoor jungle. Here are some summer plant care tips to guide you:

  1. **Anti-Ant Spray:**

During summer, ants can infest garden flowers or fruits, potentially causing decay. To combat this, create a neem solution by boiling water and adding fresh neem leaves. Spray this solution on plants to eliminate infections or ants.

  1. **Revival Technique:**

If plants show signs of stunted growth, yellowing stems, or leaves due to neglect or excessive heat, try a turmeric and water solution. Turmeric, known for its immune-boosting properties, can be sprayed generously on dried or yellowed plants. It promotes growth hormones, offering a chance for revival with proper care over the next few days.

  1. **Proper Watering:**

Adequate watering is crucial for indoor plants during summer. Ensure that water reaches the deepest soil layers because heat accelerates evaporation. Without thorough watering, houseplants may struggle to endure environmental conditions.

  1. **Limit Fertilization:**

While fertilizers are essential for plant growth, applying them during a heatwave may not allow the sapling to fully benefit. It’s advisable to refrain from burdening the plant with new fertilizers until it can properly absorb their advantages.

  1. **Ensure Coolness:**

Summer can be challenging for indoor herbs. Place them in areas where direct sunlight won’t harm delicate shoots. Bring them indoors during the afternoon through windows, ensuring proper watering. Witness their gratitude in the form of droplets hinting at their well-being during the night.

By following these tips, you can nurture your indoor plants through the summer, creating an environment where they can thrive despite the challenging conditions.